Believed to is considered a half (18) of Shakespeare's plays was published one way or another during the life of the playwright. Home Publications Shakespearean heritage is widely regarded as the folio in 1623 (the so-called "First Folio"), published by Edward Blount and William Jaggard in the so-called "Chesterovskogo collection"; Uorral printers and Max. In this edition includes 36 of Shakespeare's plays - all, except for "Pericles" and "The two noble kinsmen." It is this edition is the basis of all research in the field of Shakespearean.
This project was made possible thanks to the efforts of John Hemindzha and Henry Condell, friends and colleagues of Shakespeare. Book precedes the message to readers on behalf Hemindzha and Condell, and poetic dedication to Shakespeare by dramatist Ben Jonson, also contribute to the publication of the First Folio.
The title page of the First Folio (1623)