Среда, 05.02.2025, 19:42
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    Lifetime productions

    While it is not known for any theater companies Shakespeare wrote his early plays. So, on the cover page of edition of "Titus Andronicus" in 1594 indicated that the play was set in three different groups. After the plague of 1592-1593, the plays of Shakespeare has staged his own company in "Theatre (Eng.) Russian." And "clump (Eng.) Russian." Shoreditch in north of the Thames. There was staged the first part of "Henry IV». After a quarrel with his master left the company "Theatre" and built on the south side of the Thames in Southwark, theater "Globe", the first theater built actors for actors. "Globus" was opened in the autumn of 1599, and one of the first set of plays in it was "Julius Caesar". Many of the most famous of Shakespeare's plays written after 1599, created for "Globe", including "Hamlet", "Othello" and "King Lear"

    Театр Шекспира (Shakespeare's Globe Theatre). Великобритания.


    In Shakespeare's troupe consisted known actors such as Richard Burbage, William Kempe, Neri Condell and John Heminges. Bёrbedzh was the first performer of the main roles of many of Shakespeare's plays, including "Richard III», «Hamlet," "Othello" and "King Lear." The popular comic actor William Kemp, among other characters, played by Pietro in "Romeo and Juliet" and Dogwood in "Much Ado About Nothing." At the turn of the XVI and XVII centuries was replaced by Robert Armin, who performed such roles as TOUCHSTONE of "As You Like It" and the Clown from "King Lear". In 1613, Henry held Votton reported production of the play "Henry VIII». June 29 during the staging of the play gave the gun misfired and set fire to the thatched roof of the building, so that the entire theater burned down. This fact allows a good accuracy to set the time of writing plays


    Richard Burbage