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    Family of William Shakespeare

    Family of William Shakespeare was quite ordinary. Father, John Shakespeare - artisan, mother, Mary Arden - housewife. According to some rumors, they were enough wealthy people, on the other - barely making ends meet. Many scientists Shakespeare scholars, wishing somehow logically explain how the boy became the largest provincial playwright of all time, trying to find evidence that he received an elite education and deeper. However, evidence to indicate that they have not found. Yes, like any child, William attended grammar school. But no serious education in such schools were not given. Just on the orders of King Edward IV taught children from poor families to read yes write. According to rumors, Shakespeare in adolescence and even attended a literary circle, where he studied the work of the ancient philosophers and poets. But it is also no evidence was found. So, let's face it: the genius William Shakespeare received no substantial formation and where did his gift - This is the mystery that, alas, we are unlikely to be able to solve.

    Иллюстрации к "Взгляд на Лондон. Часть 7-я: Стратфорд-на-Эйвоне"

    Parents William Shakespeare

    But he managed very early, at the age of 18 years to marry. Anne Hathaway was eight years older than William, had a nasty character, and even more nasty looks. But, at the time of the marriage, she was already pregnant, and it can be concluded that Shakespeare was simply forced to lead her down the aisle. Next seven years, Shakespeare lives quietly with his wife. For four years, they have three children born. On the future of the daughters of Shakespeare we know nothing, and his son died in infancy. What does Shakespeare and that includes family - is also covered by a complete mystery.

    Произведения Шекспира в английской гравюре 18 века

    Wedding of William Shakespeare

    In 1590, he just runs away from the annoying wife and went to London in search of happiness. He was at that time barely 28 years.It is the most "happiness", he finds very quickly, in a theatrical troupe of Richard Burbage, poet, entrepreneur, producer, bright representative of English bohemia those years. It is said that William Burbage took the post of the groom, which is another strong proof that Shakespeare had no education.

    Ричард Бёрбедж " Биографии знаменитых людей, фото   

    Richard Berbedzhak